September 27, 2019

Views on Ross University School of Medicine’s (RUSM) Exit from Dominica

After 40 years of the University’s development in Dominica, RUSM picks up and moves to Barbados. This is a hard hit for Dominica, as a large portion (about 20%) of our GDP was claimed to be generated from the existence of the school on the Island. The hit is most severely felt in the northern town of Portsmouth and environs, as a large number of new developments have been established to cater to the students, faculty and visitors from the University. There is a level of uncertainty in the economy due to the departure of Ross University. Join me as...

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February 4, 2019

Pageants: Consistency Wins the Crown

In almost every Carnival Queen Pageant, there is a debate of whether the winner deserved it. Many times, the one who received several “Best” prizes lose to another one who may have not even received top score for any round. How can this happen?

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